Charities in Indonesia: The Role and Importance of Charities

Charities in Indonesia: The Role and Importance of Charities

Charities in Indonesia: The Role and Importance of Charities – Indonesia is a country with a majority Muslim population, and the spirit of sharing and giving to others continues to be a highly upheld value in culture and religion.

One form of implementing this value is through charities whose role is in managing and distributing zakat, infaq, and alms from the community to those who are entitled to receive it. In this context, there are the Amil Zakat Infaq and Alms Agency (BAZNAS) and the Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) as the main actors in the collection and distribution of charity funds. slot gacor

What is the Amil Zakat Infaq and Alms Agency (BAZNAS)?

BAZNAS, an abbreviation for the National Amil Zakat Agency, is an institution established with the aim of collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and alms from the community to those in need. BAZNAS is tasked with organizing, managing, and ensuring that the charitable funds collected are used effectively and efficiently in accordance with sharia principles.

Charities in Indonesia: The Role and Importance of Charities
Charity Organizations In Indonesia

BAZNAS: Owned by Whom and How to Operate?

BAZNAS is an independent institution regulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat. BAZNAS is not affiliated with any party, including the government or certain organizations. This institution has an important task in collecting zakat from the community, managing it transparently, and distributing it to mustahik (beneficiaries) with the right target.

What’s the Difference Between BAZNAS and LAZ?

Apart from BAZNAS, there is also the Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) which plays a role in managing charity funds in Indonesia. The main difference between BAZNAS and LAZ lies in the scale of operations and work areas. BAZNAS has national coverage and is regulated centrally by law, while LAZ is more local and independent in terms of its operations. Even so, both BAZNAS and LAZ have the same goal, which is to help people in need through the management of zakat, infaq, and alms funds.

The Main Purpose of Establishing BAZNAS in Indonesia

The establishment of BAZNAS in Indonesia has several main objectives which are the basis for managing charitable funds. One of them is increasing efficiency and effectiveness in the collection and distribution of zakat, infaq, and alms. In addition, BAZNAS also aims to create a transparent and accountable system for the use of charitable funds so that people can feel confident that their assistance is being channeled to those who deserve it.


Charities in Indonesia, such as BAZNAS and LAZ, have an important role in collecting and distributing zakat, infaq and alms from the community to those in need. BAZNAS as a national institution has the responsibility to manage charitable funds in a transparent and effective manner. The difference between BAZNAS and LAZ lies in the operational scope and scale of work. The main goal of achieving BAZNAS is to increase efficiency and provide assistance to mustahik in a transparent and accountable manner.